Patch Notes:Added new "Black Market" which is a custom shop inspired by the famous video game "valorant" which is only available on weekends.
Added 15+ available black markets rewards, with a limited stock. (/blackmarket)
Added 5 rarities available in the black market being; common, rare, legendary, mythical, and ultimate. The lower the rarity, the higher the chance of you getting it.
Added entity stacking. (similar to how dropped items stack, the same will happen with entities)
Fixed minor bugs involving shop and voting.
Reworked player referral system. (/ref <player> credits to obviouslee
Added more referral rewards. (/rewards)
Added player gradients cosmetc. (/cosmetics) credits to levitatedev
Added new donator commands: /maphide, /mapshow. (toggle visibility on the /map)
Added new party player gradient available on our webstore for 2,99$ (/store)
Lowered the price of the fruit badge pack on our store, which was previously 7,99$ It is now only 4,99$! (/store)
Added a patchnotes link when joining the server in-game.
Added lots of new items to the /shop
Lowered many items buy/sell prices in the /shop
Fixed many performance issues on the server, which should reduce lag.
Buffed pinata party rewards. (/vote)
Increased the health of the pinata party from 150 hits, to 200 hits.
Added a mossy player gradient for sale in the swamp. (/swamp)
Changed all donator rank prefixes to include a gradient, rather than being a single colour.
If you encounter any bugs, please report them on our discord server.
Thank you for reading.
~ Owner, Locasater
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