Patch Notes: Released new "Spawner Crate", which can be purchased through our webstore.
New spawners system added.
Made it so spawners can only be mined with a silk touch pickaxe.
Deleted all tags.
Replaced tags with a new badges system.
Released a new forums & website page.
Changed the /warp crates location.
Removed the Crates NPC.
Removed the /crates command.
Disabled all natural phantom spawning.
Removed player rankup prefix from tablist, making it only display on the chat.
Disabled forums for players, making it only available to staff, but viewable for all.
Increased the server performance by 3 times.
Reduced server maintenance by 99%
Fixed minor bugs regarding jobs & shops.
If you encounter any bugs, please report them on our discord server.
Thank you for reading.
~ Owner, Locasater
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