Patch Notes: Released new "Toad Crate"
Added new custom abilities with new Toad Items.
Removed "Invisible Item Frames" from all crates but COMMON. (finally)
Adjusted crate chances.
Changed toad crate key texture.
Added more items to the /shop
Fixed all shop related bugs.
Increased sell prices for various farming/mining items.
Adjusted amount of money made from Jobs. (making it actually useful and not give chump change)
Replaced Enchanter Job with Shepherd.
Added "/browse jobs" command to view all existing jobs.
Fully removed voteparties.
Replaced voteparties with a new Pinata Party system, old players may already be familiar with it.
Added new pinata warp. (/warp pinata)
Added fast leaf decay.
Heavily changed MCMMO leveling system.
Increased skill level up requirements (more xp).
Buffed many MCMMO related abilities.
Lowered requirements for certain MCMMO abilites.
Added Sethomes & Job slots to rankup rewards (/rankup).
Removed the health indicators above entity names.
Added /claimkey for Toad+ Subscribers, which gives a free weekly exclusive key.
Reduced the amount of rare crate keys given in the daily rewards. (/rewards)
Added the "Recovery Cow" to spawn. (/itemrecovery)
Removed /antioch from Toad+ Subscribers.
Nerfed all armor & tools gained from the Rare and Legendary crates.
Adjusted all shop buy/sell prices. (/shop)
Updated the server to a newer paper build.
Added back-end protection to our server.
Added Itemstacking to dropped items.
Made it so you spawn where you are before you die/disconnect.
Added all "Coral" Items to the colorful blocks shop. (/shop)
Replaced the "Dyes" section with the "Miscellaneous" section in shop. (/shop)
Added 30+ functional blocks to the "Miscellaneous" shop. (/shop)
Removed all mcMMO broadcast messages.
Fixed an issue with /repair or /fix.
Released new "Colorful Crate", available for purchase on our webstore.
Adjusted all log prices in the shop. (/shop)
Added cherry and pale logs to the shop. (/shop)
Replaced all in-game prefixes, with high quality images.
Added new /phead command, which allows you to purcahse anybody's head for 100 Money.
Removed the Time Traveller NPC, which previously awarded the player with the veteran tag, making it now exclusive.
Removed Chat games.
Tags have been temporarily disabled.
Removed the custom pause menu.
Removed the rankup prefix from the tablist.
If you encounter any bugs, please report them on our discord server.
Thank you for reading.
~ Owner, Locasater
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