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🐸 ToadSMP v0.2 Update 🐸
2 minute read

Patch Notes:
:check~2: Released new
"Toad Crate"
:check~2: Added new custom abilities with new Toad Items.
:check~2: Removed "Invisible Item Frames" from all crates but COMMON. (finally)
:check~2: Adjusted crate chances.
:check~2: Changed toad crate key texture.
:check~2: Added more items to the /shop
:check~2: Fixed all shop related bugs.
:check~2: Increased sell prices for various farming/mining items.
:check~2: Adjusted amount of money made from Jobs. (making it actually useful and not give chump change)
:check~2: Replaced Enchanter Job with Shepherd.
:check~2: Added "/browse jobs" command to view all existing jobs.
:check~2: Fully removed voteparties.
:check~2: Replaced voteparties with a new Pinata Party system, old players may already be familiar with it.
:check~2: Added new pinata warp. (/warp pinata)
:check~2: Added fast leaf decay.
:check~2: Heavily changed MCMMO leveling system.
:check~2: Increased skill level up requirements (more xp).
:check~2: Buffed many MCMMO related abilities.
:check~2: Lowered requirements for certain MCMMO abilites.
:check~2: Added Sethomes & Job slots to rankup rewards (/rankup).
:check~2: Removed the health indicators above entity names.
:check~2: Added /claimkey for Toad+ Subscribers, which gives a free weekly exclusive key.
:check~2: Reduced the amount of rare crate keys given in the daily rewards. (/rewards)
:check~2: Added the "Recovery Cow" to spawn. (/itemrecovery)
:check~2: Removed /antioch from Toad+ Subscribers.
:check~2: Nerfed all armor & tools gained from the Rare and Legendary crates.
:check~2: Adjusted all shop buy/sell prices. (/shop)
:check~2: Updated the server to a newer paper build.
:check~2: Added back-end protection to our server.
:check~2: Added Itemstacking to dropped items.
:check~2: Made it so you spawn where you are before you die/disconnect.
:check~2: Added all "Coral" Items to the colorful blocks shop. (/shop)
:check~2: Replaced the "Dyes" section with the "Miscellaneous" section in shop. (/shop)
:check~2: Added 30+ functional blocks to the "Miscellaneous" shop. (/shop)
:check~2: Removed all mcMMO broadcast messages.
:check~2: Fixed an issue with /repair or /fix.
:check~2: Released new "Colorful Crate", available for purchase on our webstore.
:check~2: Adjusted all log prices in the shop. (/shop)
:check~2: Added cherry and pale logs to the shop. (/shop)
:check~2: Replaced all in-game prefixes, with high quality images.
:check~2: Added new /phead command, which allows you to purcahse anybody's head for 100 Money.
:check~2: Removed the Time Traveller NPC, which previously awarded the player with the veteran tag, making it now exclusive.
:check~2: Removed Chat games.
:check~2: Tags have been temporarily disabled.
:check~2: Removed the custom pause menu.
:check~2: Removed the rankup prefix from the tablist.

:chat_icon: If you encounter any bugs, please report them on our discord server.

Thank you for reading.
~ Owner, Locasater

🐸 ToadSMP v0.4 Update 🐸
🐸 ToadSMP v0.4 Update 🐸
Patch Notes:
Added new "Black Market" which is a custom shop inspired by the famous video game "valorant" which is only available on weekends.
Added 15+ available black markets rewards, with a limited stock. (/blackmarket)
Added 5 rarities...
1 minute read
🐸 ToadSMP v0.3 Update 🐸
🐸 ToadSMP v0.3 Update 🐸
Patch Notes:
Released new "Spawner Crate", which can be purchased through our webstore.
New spawners system added.
Made it so spawners can only be mined with a silk touch pickaxe.
Deleted all tags.
Replaced tags with a new badges system.
1 minute read
🐸 ToadSMP v0.1 Update 🐸
🐸 ToadSMP v0.1 Update 🐸
Patch Notes:
Added leaderboards in spawn. (/warp spawn)
Fixed an issue where players weren't able to buy/sell items in the /shop
 Added tablist formatting.
 Added announcements which broadcast tips/advice.
 Added an option to toggle on/off...
1 minute read