Patch Notes: Added leaderboards in spawn. (/warp spawn)
Fixed an issue where players weren't able to buy/sell items in the /shop
Added tablist formatting.
Added announcements which broadcast tips/advice.
Added an option to toggle on/off announcements. (/settings)
Added global boosters, which are purchasable on our webstore.
Rank purchases automatically asign you the discord role upon purchase.
Added a better /vote GUI
Fully reworked referrals. (/rewards)
Added /code, which generates you a referral code.
Added /activate <code>, which activates a referral code.
Made it so multiple people can use your referral code.
Rankup sounds will only play for the player ranking up, rather than for everyone.
Your town will now be displayed on the scoreboard.
Fixed some vote links not working.
Added a fifth vote link for extra rewards. (/vote)
Removed broadcast messages when a player uses a player warp. (/pw)
Added /leaderboards, which opens a leaderboards menu.
Added commands: /sit and /crawl for donators. (/store)
Added Interactive chat, which makes you display certain items/menus in the chat for otherse to view.
Hovering over players name in the chat will display their stats. (money, tadpoles, current-world, and more)
Added emoji access in-game for donators.
If you encounter any bugs, please report them on our discord server.
Thank you for reading.
~ Owner, Locasater
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